The “More” part of our name, Custom Pens n More is finally coming to fruition. I have recently purchased a laser engraver and I will be adding many different items, customized as requested. I have already started engraving tumblers and working out the kinks to be able to engrave names, logos, etc on your pens. Just drop me a note letting me know what you are looking for. I’ll be adding pictures and videos of some of the items I’m creating.


Welcome to custompensnmore.com, a place where I can exhibit my Pen, Pencil and other creations, as well as offer them for sale. This is a hobby for me, as I have a full-time job, so there will be delays sometimes in my being able to fulfill your requests, however, I will make every effort to make sure any and all orders are created and delivered in a timely manner. Each creation is custom made using exotic woods, acrylics, and other materials. Feel free to browse my SHOP pages to see some of the creations I’ve made. If you see something you like, or have an idea what you might like, feel free to leave me a message and I’ll try getting back with you as soon as possible.

As I stated, this is a hobby for me. I currently drive an 18-wheeler for a living and create the pens when I’m home. Many people ask me how I got interested in making pens. My Father, Grandfather and Great-Grandfather were all carpenters. In fact, I had many relatives that were carpenters but that was not the career path I wanted to pursue. I’m old enough that when I was in elementary and high school, we had shop classes, which I thoroughly enjoyed. Growing up, I made little wood projects and enjoyed reading woodworking magazines. In the back of those magazines there were advertisements stating, “Make Pens for Profit”. Finally, about 3 years ago I had some disposable income, and I bought my lathe and the starting supplies for pen making and the rest is history. I learn something new each time I make a pen and as time goes on, my pens are turning out better and better. Being a “Hobbyist”, I don’t really know all the specifics of the exotic woods I use. I found a great book and website for this knowledge, The Wood Database, and I do use some of their descriptions on my pens, with the author’s permission.

The process to make a pen is composed of a series of steps. I select the pen kit and the blank that I want to make the pen out of. The blank is cut to size and a hole drilled in it where a brass tube is glued. The blank is then turned on the lathe. I do not use any duplicating tools, so each pen turned is unique. After turning, the blank is sanded using a minimum of 6 grits of sandpaper, usually more, and polished using at least two coats of high-quality friction polish to give the blank a high gloss finish. The pen is then pressed together and is ready for the customer.

There are several options available for customers to choose from. I have the ability of putting a rock hard, ultra-shiny finish on the pen that won’t scratch, cleans like glass and lasts forever. This process puts a true layer, actually several layers, of acrylic on the pen surface and takes extra time and effort, along with an added expense. Personally, I think the friction polish provides a beautiful and acceptable finish.

Not only am I the craftsman that makes these pens, but I’m also responsible for this website. I have just changed the hosting on this site and I’m using IonBlade. Again, this is my hobby and way to relax. I’m open to criticism as well as praise. Please let me know your thoughts.

For your convenience, Credit/Debit card processing is available now through PayPal, including VENMO. Your privacy is as important to me as much as my privacy, so I want to make sure this is set up properly. I do offer a discount to Veterans, Law Enforcement, Firefighters and First Responders as well as orders for multiple pens in one order, just let me know which category you fall in. Shipping is done using USPS Priority mail at a fixed rate of $8.00 for the first item and an additional $2.00 for each additional item.

Make sure to check out my NEWS page often. This is where you can find my most recent creations, thoughts, and newsworthy items.

I would appreciate it if you will take a moment to sign into my page and possibly leave a comment about your experience, good or bad. This is the only way I can see what changes need to be made.

Thank you for visiting and I look forward to serving you.

Russell L. Mauzy